Home page

Club photos

Area show

Show, cont.

Show photos

Old show photos

Collecting sites

Notes and Events


Notes and Events

Club Bylaws

Geology Resources for Kids

A large selection of interactive geology and Earth science resources for kids can be found on this website.

Local Minerals

Our local Channel 7 News aired this report about the minerals found in and around St. Lawrence County. It features an interview with club president William deLorraine. Check it out!

Live Mineral Talks

No mineral shows? Every Wednesday, through this series of live interviews a special guest will be answering questions in their field of expertise. We will be welcoming mineral collectors, curators, dealers, researchers and reporters in this talk show to share experiences and tips on mineral collecting, research and curation.

Note from the International Gem Society:

We host an online gem and rock encyclopedia, and numerous articles related to all things gemstone and mineral, including a gemology scholarship which we would like to see more people applying for.  Here is a link to our Gem and Mineral Reference Library.

Gemology Resources

Paul Gian has put together a nice review of  free gemology courses and resources.

Club Newsletters:

Club Newsletter Archives

Last Updated: June 19, 2024
Contact William deLorraine
Contact Webmaster

Home page: www.stlawrencecountymineralclub.org

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